Saturday, July 09, 2005

terrorism: a prayer

A prayer posted on the British Methodist Church website.

"In the face of terrorism

For those who are injured, maimed, traumatised and dying: We pray God’s peace;

For the rescue workers – police and fire officers, paramedics, and hospital staff: We pray God’s strength;

For the fellow-travellers stooping to comfort, soothe and tend the wounds: We pray God’s compassion;

For those who are dispirited, angry, despairing, and grieving: We pray God’s comfort;

For the leaders who are called to speak for and to nation or communities: We pray God’s wisdom;

For those who turn to violence to achieve their ends: We pray God’s forgiveness;

For our sisters and brothers of all faiths and of none: We pray God’s blessing;

For ourselves – numbed, fearful, morbidly fascinated or guiltily relieved: We pray God’s light in our lives.

As we hold before God those who suffer, we give thanks for every sign of the resilience of the human spirit and the determination not to be cowed by the cowards. We pray that all people may learn to live in peace and with mutual respect. May we not cease in our striving for justice and for an end to poverty, preventable disease and the destruction of the environment. May our eyes be fixed on Jesus, who bears and takes away the sin of the world, and in whom nothing can separate us from the love of God.


Jonathan Kerry 7th July 2005


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