Thursday, August 27, 2009

a prayer for the overwhelmed and out of breath

Imagine that God is speaking to you:

I have created you to praise me.
I want you to know that praise

is as necessary to you as your next breath.
I want you to worship me.

When you worship me, it is a foretaste of heaven.
I have created you to receive and to give.
I have formed you in such a way

that you breathe in my grace and breathe out my praise.
If you will breathe in and breathe out,

you will discover the shape of your life.
I did not create you for burnout.

I did not create your pace of life.
I want to do wonderful things for you.
I want to shape you, mold you, fill you, use you.
I want to breathe life into you.

I am delighted
when you accept the gift of my grace,
and I am overjoyed
when you offer to me the gift of your praise.


Scripture Readings: Genesis 1. Ezekiel 37. John 3. Acts 2.


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